If you have any questions, please read the following FAQ section first.  Otherwise we are more than happy to respond to any questions you have by email. Given our commitment to customer service, we can even be available for discussions by skype or telephone if need be.

1. It seems too good to be true. How do I know it will work?

Our products do what they say they do and we offer a money back guarantee to back that up. So long as you follow the listening instructions and allow for sufficient time for the benefits to become apparent, then you should notice a significant positive impact on your daily life and well-being. Those who don’t receive significant benefits either fail to keep listening for more than a few days, or are using poor quality ear buds. Please also check out our Testimonials to see the benefits our technology has had on other listeners.

2. Why haven’t I heard about this kind of technology before?

Brain entrainment has been around for many years – however until now very few other products available have lived up to their claims. The vast majority of brainwave entrainment products available are based on dubious technology and science that has only been shown to have a temporary effect within the brain on an EEG machine (by only stimulating the ‘olivary bodies’ rather than the ‘thalamus’ within the brain, which is critically important).  Those few products that are effective are far and few between and aren’t well-packaged or accessible to mainstream users. These factors obviously stop word of mouth referrals right in their tracks. Our technology is gaining global recognition for its ability to overcome the limitations of other products and have a real and lasting impact on the cognitive function and well-being of our listeners.

3. How do I know your products are the very best available?

We have literally thousands of glowing customer testimonials collected over many years for Morry Zelcovitch’s technology. Our audio tracks are engineered to have the strongest and most beneficial cortical evoked response possible (the response effect within your brain). We only use the most powerful ‘monaural’ and ‘isochronic’ pulsed tones within our tracks and have a strict policy against using ‘Binaural Beats’ which have been shown conclusively to not have any lasting effect within the brain. With over 20 years of experience, and having originally been trained by the pioneer of the brainwave entrainment field (David Siever), we produce our audio tracks to the highest standards on high fidelity recording equipment (NOT simple computer programs like most others). Every aspect of our technology has been designed with the utmost consideration for our customers’ listening experience. You simply will not find another product better suited to your needs or that will provide you with as greater benefits over time.

4. Does your technology rely on self-hypnosis, or the placebo effect?

Absolutely not.  The essence of our technology is a set of uniquely crafted ‘pulsed tones’ that have a direct and positive entrainment effect on certain regions of the brain (specifically through the thalamus region in the mid-brain) simply by listening with headphones for less than 30 minutes a day.   Our technology stands alone in its ability to have a genuine and long-term benefit, without reliance on additional exercises, verbal affirmations, purchasing further levels etc. Regardless of your age, and even if you can’t speak English, our core technology will still benefit you. It’s literally one of the simplest and most-effective self-improvement tools you will ever own.

5. It seems interesting but what if I don’t have the time to listen?

Simply set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier in the morning or go to bed 30 minutes later at night. By listening to our technology you will more than make up for that time asleep and wake up feeling much more relaxed and energized. You will also find that over time you need less sleep too. No matter who we are or what we have on our plates, we can all make the time to look after our mental well-being. In fact the latest research is showing how important it is to relax properly or meditate each day – and the vital effect this will have on your health ten years from now. We provide you with the most advanced, effortless way to achieve this and a lot more benefits.

6. What do the recordings sound like?

Our recordings sound unique and unlike any other product available because, quite simply, they are designed to work. The sound varies from track to track but can generally be described as ‘static white noise’ or rain with a pulsed tone that sounds like a faint helicopter. At first the recordings might sound unusual but after a few days of use, you should get used to the tones and find it highly relaxing and easy to switch off from your daily activities. Other entrainment providers usually overlay their entrainment tones with music, bells, wind chimes, waterfalls etc, which in our experience will interfere with the effects and hence reduce the benefits you receive. From your very first listening session with our products, you will be able to tell that our recordings are designed to stimulate your brain and not rely on the placebo effect.

7. Is our technology safe to use?

Yes, it’s completely safe and so long as you follow our instructions you should only notice positive benefits over time.  There is no risk of addiction or dependency and you shouldn’t notice any withdrawal symptoms even after the very first day of stopping use (you may however realize just how beneficial the product has been after stopping). Many brainwave entrainment providers recommend consulting first with a medical professional if you have a history of epilepsy or other significant neurological condition or are pregnant.

8. How long before I notice results?

It can take as little as a few days or up to three months before you notice significant improvements. It will depend on the nature of the individual. Usually we suggest three weeks of regular use before evaluating whether you are getting any benefits.  Often we don’t appreciate our improvements until we look back and notice we have a lot more focus & mental energy or aren’t as exhausted by the end of a busy week.   Keep an open mind and follow the listening instructions and you should notice improvements within 3 weeks or so.

9. How can I maximize the benefits of your products?

In addition to simply listening passively to our products, three additional factors will help you further:  1. Ensure you eat well (increase omega 3, increase fruit & veges, increase protein and reduce or avoid refined sugar, flour and overly-processed foods in your diet); 2. Exercise (whatever works for you so long as you get your body moving and stimulate your cardiovascular system; and 3. Set some defined goals and a clear intention for improvement in your life (whether in relation to your studies, your career or simply feeling younger and more active again), Our entrainment technology will support you to achieve those goals.  Other than these tips, you will get the best benefits by listening with comfortable over-ear headphones at a sufficiently loud volume, rather than using poor quality earbuds.

10. How does your money back guarantee work?

Our unique entrainment technology will benefit every listener if they follow the listening instructions. In the highly unlikely event that you do not receive significant benefits then we will readily refund your full purchase price on the following condition: You acknowledge that you have genuinely listened to the audio tracks regularly in accordance with the instructions for two months.

11. Do you recommend a particular type of headphone?

No we don’t as headphones tend to be a personal preference.  Even inexpensive headphones (around $30) will work fine so long as they fit comfortably over your ears and are stereo (for certain tracks on the device).  You can choose any pair within your price range from your local electronics store.  Please do not activate any noise cancelling or base boost functions as these will mask the background white noise that is designed to accentuate the entrainment effect.  Ear buds are okay so long as they are of sufficient quality to pick up and differentiate the various sounds.

12. How long should I continue to listen for?

Just like exercise and eating well, it is our hope that our products become a natural part of your daily lives and well being plans.  You can continue to listen for as many months or years as you want and you will continue to receive further benefits.  You may find that after several months, you only want to listen 2 or 3 times per week to keep up the benefits.  Many others find that they enjoy the relaxing time out from their daily schedules and continue to listen every day – leaving a day or so a week as a break.

13. Can I place a bulk order for my school, workplace or retirement village at a discounted price?

Yes – please contact Email Sales to discuss how we can provide you with the best deal.

14. Why shouldn’t I copy the recordings to a friend?

First, it’s a breach of your sales contract with us, as by purchasing our products you agree not to copy them to any third party.

More importantly however, your friends or colleagues will not experience the same benefits you have unless they make a personal investment and commitment to the recordings by buying the product themselves. We’ve found they will not take the recordings seriously unless they’ve made the purchase themselves. They also tend not to follow the listening instructions properly, unless they have read through the site and articles and developed a personal motivation for keeping to the listening schedule. If you refer a friend or colleague who buys one of our products, then we will send you a bonus recording of your choice, as well as a special report with the ten optimal ways to improve your brain function and prevent cognitive decline. Refer multiple people and we will refund at least 25% of your purchase price!

Note: please also do not use any copies of our products downloaded through bitorrrent or large file transfer sites. The compression process will interfere with the even spacing between our unique pulsed tones, which is critical to the benefits you will receive.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us by email.
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