References for our audio entrainment technology

The following are references and studies that we credit in part for our audio entrainment technology. We also must acknowledge the work and research of David Siever, who we regard as the true pioneer of the brainwave entrainment field:

Adrian, E. D. & Yamagiwa, K., “The Origin of the Berger Rhythm.” Brain, 58, 323-351, 1935.

Atwater, F. H., “The Monroe Institute’s Hemisync Process: A Theoretical Perspective.” Faber, Va, Monroe Institute, 1988.

Barabasz, A. & Barabasz, M. (1995). Attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder: Neurological basis and training Alternatives. Journal of Neurotherapy, Summer 1995.

Berg, K., & Siever, D. (2004). The effect of audio-visual entrainment in depressed community-dwelling
senior citizens who fall. In-house manuscript. Mind Alive Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Berg, K. & Siever, D. (2009). A Controlled Comparison of Audio-visual Entrainment for Treating SAD.
Journal of Neurotherapy, Vol 13, 3, 166-175.

Blakemore, C. and Greenfield, S. (Ed.) Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity and Consciousness. Blackwell, Oxford, 1987.

Budzynski, T. H., “Brain Lateralization and BiofeedBack.”In B. Shapin & T. Coly, Brain/Mind and Parapsychology. New York: Parapsychology Foundation, 1979.

Bruneau, N., Sylvie, R., Guerin, P., Garreau, B., & Lelord, G. (1993). Auditory stimulus intensity
Responses and frontal midline theta rhythm. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology,
186, 213-316.

Donker, 0. N.J., Nijo, L., Storm Van Leeuwen, W. & Wienke, G., “Inter-hemispheric Relationships of
Responses to Sine Wave Modulated Light in Normal Subjects and Patients.”

Cade, C. M. & Coxhead, N., “The Awakened Mind: BiofeedBack and the Development of Higher States of
Consciousness.” New York: Delacorte Press, 1979

Dumas, R. A. (1977). EEG alpha-hypnotizability Correlations: A review. Psychophysiology, 14, 431438.

Empson, J. (1986). Human brainwaves: The psychological Significance of the electroencephalogram. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 44, 479-489, 1978.

Foster, D.S., “EEG and Subjective Correlates of Alpha Frequency Binaural Beats Stimulation Combined With Alpha BiofeedBack.” Ann Arbor, Ml: UMI, Order No.9025506, 1990.

Foulkes, D. & Vogel, G. (1964). “Mental Activity At Sleep Onset.” Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 70, 231-243, 1964.

Glicksohn, J., “Photic Driving and Altered States of Consciousness: An Exploratory Study.” Imagination,
Cognition and Personality, 6,167-182, 1986.

Green, E. E., & Green, A. M., “Biofeedback and States Of Consciousness.” In B. B. Wolman & M. UlIman.
Handbook of States of Consciousness. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986.

Harding, G. F. & Dimitrakoudi, M. “The Visual Evoked Potential in Photosensitive Epilepsy.” In J. E.
Desmedt, Visual Evoked Potentials in Man: New Developments. Oxford: Clarendon, 1977.

Hoovey, Z., Heinemann, U. & Creutzfeldt, O., “Inter-hemispheric ‘Synchrony’ of Alpha Waves.”
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 32, 337-347, 1972.

Ishihara, T., & Yoshii, N. (1972). Multivariate Analytic study of EEG and mental activity in juvenile
Delinquents. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 33, 71-80.

Joyce, M., & Siever, D. (2000). Audio-visual entrainment program as a treatment for behavior disorders
in a school setting. Journal of Neurotherapy. 4, (2) 9-15.

Kooi, K. A., Fundamentals of Electroencephalography. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.

Kubie, L., “The Use of Induced Hypnagogic Reveries in the Recovery of Repressed Amnesic Data.” Bull. Menninger Cilnic, 7,172-182, 1943.

Lilly, J. C., Programming and Meta Programming in the Human Bio-computer. New York: Julian, 1972.

Lynch, G., and Baudry, M. The Biochemistry of Memory: a New and Specific Hypothesis, Science, 224:1057-63,1984.

Lubar, J. F., “Electroencephalographic Biofeedback and Neurological Applications.” In J. V. Basmajian,
BiofeedBack: Principles and Practice, New York: Williams & Wilkins, 1989.

Lubar, J. F. (1991). Discourse on the development of EEG diagnostics and biofeedback for Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders. Biofeedback And Self-Regulation, 10(8), 201-225.

Lubar, J. F., Swartwood, M. O., Swartwood, J. N., & O’Donnell, P. H. (1995). Evaluation of the effectiveness of EEG neuro feedback training for ADHD in A clinical setting as measured by changes in T.O.V.A. Scores, behavioral ratings, and WISC-R performance. Biofeedback and Self Regulation, 20(l), 83-99.

Mizuki, Y., Tanaka, M., lsozaki, H., & Inanaga, K. (1980). Periodic appearance of theta rhythm in the
Frontal midline area during performance of a mental Task. Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology, 49, 345-351.

Oster, G., “Auditory Beats in the Brain.” Scientific American, 229, 94-102, 1973.

Peniston, E.G. & Kulkowski, P. J., “Alpha-Theta Brainwave Training and Beta Endorphin Levels in Alcoholics.” Alcoholism, 13, 271-279, 1989.

Peniston, E. G. (1990). EEG brainwave training as a Bio-behavior intervention for Vietnam combat-related PTSD. The Medical Psychotherapist, 6(2).

Peniston, E. G. & Kulkosky (1991). Alpha-theta Brainwave neuro feedback for Vietnam veterans with
Combat related post-traumatic stress disorder. Medical Psychotherapy: An International Journal, 4, 1-14.

Richardson, A. & McAndres, F., “The Effects of Photic Stimulation and Private Self-consciousness on the
Complexity of Visual Imagination Imagery.” British Journal of Psychology, 81,381-394, 1990.

Rosenfield, Isreal, Neural Darwinism: A New Approach to Memory and Perception, The New York Review of Books, 9 October 1986.

Saxby, E. & Peniston, E. G. (1995). Alpha-theta Brainwave neuro feedback training: An effective training
For male and female alcoholics with depressive Symptoms. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51(5), 685-693.

Schacter, D. L., “EEG Theta Waves and Psychological Phenomena: A Review and Analysis.” Psychology, 5,
47-82, 1977.

Sittenfeld, P., Budzynski, T. & Stoyva, J., “Differential Shaping of EEG Theta Rhythms.” BiofeedBack and Self-Regulation, 1, 31-45, 1976.

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