
Testimonials for our audio entrainment technology:

“Over coffee with a good friend I was given a recommendation that has had a major positive impact on my life. I was complaining about the usual rigours of modern life: tired, stressed, anxious, insomnia, mentally exhausted. My friend recommended I try using WorkSharp. I was extremely sceptical at first and only really tried it because I trusted my friend. Today is the 35th day I have used the program. I am thrilled to say it has genuinely made a tangible difference in my ability to remember information, deal with the stress of work and crucially unwind and relax as soon as I leave the office. I love the fact that there is no effort or ongoing costs. Just hit the play button and sit back and relax. Thank you WorkSharp I am recommending you to everyone I know.”

~ Nick Lyus, 32, Auckland, NZ

“I never knew that something that sounds like a lawn mower/helicopter could do so much for me! After listening to the recordings for just a few days, I’ve noticed:

  • My focus and concentration is MUCH better – like my brain has been “defragged”
  • I feel like I’ve had an intense power nap after each short session
  • I require less sleep and get a more sound sleep than usual and don’t wake up groggy
  • I have more energy to get things done
  • I’m not chronically irritated anymore
  • I feel much better in general”

~ CJ Hedrick

“Your Programs have done wonders for me. 20 years ago I had Guillian Barre Syndrome that left me with a very cluttered mind. I was not able to put my thoughts together hardly at all. I lost virtually all of my memory prior to the disease. I was also left with some nerve damage in other parts of my body. Now after two months of using your programs, I not only have very clear thought process but I now have and retain my memories back to when I was a small child. Morry I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you and your work. To all that read this Testimonial, I would like to offer an opinion NOT MEDICAL of course. After using these programs any person can get great value out of this system but if your mind seems confused, or if you have any type of Dementia I would seriously suggest this system to help.”

~ Ross Joyner

I purchased your program quite some time ago. I have only recently settled down and started listening as per the schedule given. I’ve listened everyday for the last month and there has been a significant shift in my mood. I have suffered depressive episodes for most of my adult life and after about a week my mood evened out and became very smooth. It has remained stable, and in fact, continues to improve. I am becoming more organized and I’m accomplishing things much quicker. Less procrastination. I am enjoying my life so much more and I am so grateful for the improvements. I have a feeling things will continue to improve as I continue listening. Thanks so much!”

~ Terrisa

“I have been using your program for the past 1 year and I have to admit that this program is the best I have ever seen in terms of the benefits it gives me.Also I have tried many of those Binaural products that’s always available on the net, and I have to definitely admit that yours is the best in terms of the effectiveness.After using it for all these days, I feel more energetic, more calmer like never before, increased concentration and getting good grades in my college!
All of the credits goes to Morry for his wonderful program.”~ Prasannaa
“I ordered the set of recordings two years ago this month. They have been well worth the money. We have listened to them almost every day since then.
Before we started using the system, my husband who was 72 at the time was hesitating to find the right word when talking. Since then, his mind has become quicker & he doesn’t hesitate as much as he did to find the right words. As he is shy, he gets nervous when talking to others & it isn’t as apparent to them as it is to me. My learning ability has also accelerated. I learn much faster & read & comprehend much quicker.
Our outlook on life & way of looking at things has changed so much these last two years, I don’t know what kind of life we would have had without Morry. I’m glad I found him & didn’t have to find out.”~ Marilyn

“As someone who’s wants to get the most out of my time, I am always looking for ways to enhance my quality of life (exercise, eat well, work hard and spend time with family & friends). Usually, doing all these good things is hard, and so I love it when I find a secret weapon that makes it easier for me to achieve my idea of a good life. WorkSharp is one of the very best examples there is of such a secret weapon. You know how some days you’re in the zone and others you feel like a zombie? Well I have discovered my likelihood of zone days is directly proportional to the number of sessions I have with WorkSharp. Without a doubt, when I have been listening to the recordings I am more focused, energized and “in the moment” – I love it! And I’ve also found it’s a damn good hangover cure, too!”

~ Matt Court, Product Manager, NZ

“I will try to sum up my experience and the results I am getting after I started with the program [for 6 months]:

  1. I quit smoking and it happened naturally, I didn’t get any headaches or any other side effects as a result of quitting to smoke. Any time when I tried to quit before, I usually ended up suffering, having bad sleep, headaches, and as a result, had to start smoking again. This time it went so smoothly that I was really surprised – I even didn’t have any desire to try again.
  2. Energy boost – Let alone the fact that I feel energized and overwhelmed with positive energy every time after I listen, I noticed the difference between my first year and second year of work at my work place. Last year I was really exhausted every day after my work and could hardly make it to Friday to get some rest but this year it just feels as if I changed my job – I don’t feel tired at all. When I just noticed it I tried to analyze my last year and this year’s workload and to my surprise I realized that my workload increased this year! I can still feel tired once in a while (well, who doesn’t?:-)) due to my long hours and 5 hours’ sleep, but, and this is what I love about it which is
  3. Whenever I wake up in the morning and still feel tired, my tiredness is gone after 30 min. of listening, and I feel so refreshed as if I had a long time rest.
  4. My memory has improved a lot to compare with the last year! My job requires memorizing a lot of details and there is no chance to remember them if I don’t write them down. Last year I made many mistakes in my job because of this although this year I noticed a significant improvement – I can remember anything I need if I focus on this intention and when the deadline comes up, it just pops up in my memory.
  5. I noticed it’s easier for me to achieve my goals and to stick to them (sticking to my goals was the hardest part for me before). What I do is write my goals down. In the evening I write down my goals for tomorrow, kind of to-do-list, and in the morning I write down my mega goals, the goals I intend to achieve within a certain period of time, let’s say half a year, a year, etc. So I write down the same mega goals every morning and focusing on them during my listening sessions.”
“Recently I sat down with a friend of mine, and our conversation was just on general things we are doing in our particular lives. Soon it was quite evident to me that our interests, and financial goals, were very similar. Then it happened, flash after flash, and inspiration after inspiration. Before too long I had come up with a business name, objectives and a solid business plan. No matter what problems my friend put to me, I had the solutions, they just kept on flowing one by one. It wasn’t until some time after I realized the brilliance had come from the use of your system, which I had only starting using a week or so prior. Now the business is in place and life has never been better. All credit surely must go to Morry and his programs. Thank you Morry, we are in your debt.”
“Procrastination is my bad habit and it’s hard to overcome. Currently, I take an MBA course and I always let grass grow under my feet to submit quiz and essays. I have just used your product for about a month. I have submitted all my 4 essays and 2 quiz left in three days and really please about it. I have seen the chance for me to stop my bad habit. After all, I just want to say thank you, your products are so great. Fantastic Product!!!”
“I am 61 years old and wasn’t sure that it would work for me. But…..after just 2 weeks of using it, and then not even every day, but regularly….I have seen improvement in my memory and concentration; I get things done more quickly and easily at work; many of my cravings for food have lessened or disappeared; and my spending habits have improved.
And the BIG bonus is that I FEEL GREAT!!! I feel calm, peaceful, and content, no matter what the outside circumstances of my life.”~ Peg B
“I purchased these programs about 3 months ago and have been using them consistently. I am 61 years young and in the past had some dementia problems because of sickness. I had lost all of my long term memory, and to say the least it was just horrible. I want to thank you for these programs, as I have regained my long term memory along with many other benefits like sleeping without sleeping pills, a sense of calmness and just a better attitude on life in general. Again THANKS so much!”
“I have been using Morry’s recordings for about a month now. What I notice most is that my memory has so improved. I have gone through menopause and with it my memory really suffered. It made me uncomfortable. My vocabulary seemed to be out of reach for at least the last six years. I would go to say something and couldn’t access the right word. Well that’s close to non-existent now. What a difference using this program has made. I’d say I’ve gotten back 80% of what I lost and I fully expect to get back the rest and honestly to far exceed what I had in the first place. This program is a must for people as they start to age. I can’t recommend it enough.”

“Due to the constant stresses of my finances, work and the world in general, I found myself in a constant state of mild depression over the last couple of years. The results after the first couple of weeks have been nothing short of miraculous. My depression and brain fog are gone. My reading speed and comprehension have at least tripled. I love reading while listening. My memory is back and its sharper than it has ever been. My perception of people and the world around me has expanded in ways I really can’t explain. It sounds really corny, but I feel like I’m looking at the world with a new set of eyes. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it’s all 100 percent true.”

~ Mark

“At the time of purchase, I was desperate, I have chronic neck and lower back pain – so I was searching for help. I also at the time singed up to do a Summer School course via distance education, course marks to be credited to my undergraduate Psychology degree with my home university.Morry, it did not dawn on me until today. That I actually passed the course with a ‘Distinction’ and it was for a 3rd year statistics based course. For the 1st and 2nd year course for the statistics I only ever managed to scrape with a pass, or a credit.

I am definitely going to go back to listen to it religiously!!! Especially, since this semester, I took on 3 courses with my home university and one course online. There’s about 4 weeks left before exams and 3 more assigned tasks. So I am panicking again. But, I am stopping myself from doing the panicking as this realisation is making me more confident that I will do it right and I will pass the courses.

I also remember getting 82% in a language & perception course – regarded as one of the most difficult courses for 3rd year psychology.

Morry, truly thank you from the centre of my heart for developing such a great product!”

~ Nadia

“The very first week of using WorkSharp I was cranking! I have found that it really helps with reducing procrastination and I feel more motivated and eager to get things done at work. I also really enjoy the ability to switch off from work at night and sleep much deeper.”

~ Kim Atwill, Tax Professional

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